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Higher Education and Institutional Divestment - EcoCivDev - Institute for Ecological Civilization Skip to content

Higher Education and Institutional Divestment

This convening will bring together institutions that have already reached the decision to divest, board members of colleges and universities interested in exploring the process, and other leaders who work in roles that help achieve these goals, such as endowment networks and facilitating student participation in leading ecological movements. When business executives, grassroots organizers, scholars, and community leaders brainstorm together, they discover ways to build productive partnerships, find common cause, and begin to develop concrete plans that coordinate across the whole range of society. This convening will be an event that forms shared commitments to developing action plans, searches for positive impacts at the college and university level, and benefits the participating individuals and their respective organizations.

This convening is by invitation only. Reports and material will be made available after the event.

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